
Mass effect 2 singularity
Mass effect 2 singularity

Thus the radius increase is the better choice. If you want to set off biotic explosions the power shouldn’t be active for longer than it takes for singularity to recharge which is around 1.5 seconds. The fourth rank offers the choice between a 25% increase in the effective radius and a 30% power duration buff which includes that more enemies can be lifted in the duration of the power. Biotic explosions, however, are very effective at taking care of enemies so if you have a class that has a biotic power that can set off biotic explosions the latter is pointless. You have a choice to make between making singularity a tool for biotic explosions or being effective at taking care of enemies with guns and power damage. The only difference between pull and singularity is that pull has a slightly faster recharge time and singularity can explode at the end of its duration.

mass effect 2 singularity

In fact you can either set it up to be very similar to pull or you can make it effective at pulling enemies out of combat for a little while.

mass effect 2 singularity

Singularity is a glorified version of pull.

Mass effect 2 singularity